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   通过使用灵活、经济的基于 SAS DS3200 易捷版存储系统,中小企业可以将超负荷的内部存储基础架构提高到一个全新的水平。DS3200 将新一代的 SAS 技术与久经考验的外部存储设计以及直观的管理界面相结合,带来了非常适合中小型企业的全功能存储系统。通过将存储移出服务器并跨多台服务器共享存储,企业可以提高其数据解决方案的容量、管理效率和可用性。



Host interfaces

3Gbps SAS

Host channels

2 or 6

Included management software

DS3000 Storage Manager

Cache memory

1GB /2GB

Physical storage capacity

5.4TB with 450GB SAS drives within the first enclosure
12.0TB with1.0TB SATA drives within the first enclosure
21.6TB with 3 expansion units and 48 450GB SAS drives
48.0TB with 3 expansion units and 48 1.0TB SATA drives



IBM 在外部存储系统开发方面的专业技术是 IBM System Storage DS3300 易捷版的智慧基础,可提供尖端的技术和高可靠性。DS3300 旨在满足各种用户的可用性和整合需要 从入门级的 SMB 到大型企业的远程站点或部门均可。DS3300 为企业提供了价格合理、可靠并且可扩展的存储解决方案,此解决方案充分利用了当前的 IP 基础架构设备和内部专业技术。

Host interfaces

1Gbps iSCSI

Host channels


Included management software

DS3000 Storage Manager

Cache memory

1GB / 2GB

Physical storage capacity

5.4TB with 450GB SAS drives within the first enclosure
12.0TB with 1.0TB SATA drives within the first enclosure
21.6TB with 3 expansion units and 48 450GB SAS drives
48.0TB with 3 expansion units and 48 1.0TB SATA drives


IBM System Storage DS3400 易捷版为企业指明了道路,可以通过一个直连或 FC SAN 解决方案来充分发挥整合和共享数据的优势。DS3400 易捷版将最先进的前端 4Gbps FC 技术加入到 IBM 久经考验的设计中,从而带来企业级的 RAID 存储。利用 FC 主机连接性和 SAS 后端技术,DS3400 易捷版可以通过改善数据整合、可用性、性能和可扩展性来提高生产效率。

Host interfaces

4Gbps FC

Host channels


Included management software

DS3000 Storage Manager

Cache memory

1GB / 2GB

Physical storage capacity

5.4TB with 450GB SAS drives within the first enclosure
12.0TB with 1.0TB SATA drives within the first enclosure
21.6TB with 3 expansion units and 48 450GB SAS drives
48.0TB with 3 expansion units and 48 1.0TB SATA drives

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